Adventures in AU
- We're just trying to survive college.
- Adding anitiquity to your daily lives.
- George's newest comic! Do not be alone with the truth, for it will corrupt you in ways you cannot understand.
The Legend of the Four
- Everything that was never real... IS.
The 10K Commotion
- TenKay, a DDR tournament in Hawaii... The Platinum Mark and Team Psyclone are full of fun and beautifully designed characters, and the story is sure to quickly suck you in.
Alien Dice
- Pokemon old, Digimon repetitive... Time for a game of a new kind without the baggage of the genre. Overly-depressed alien, normal human girl, questionably affectionate friends... and Zeta!!! We cannot forget Zeta!!
- Humans, demons, and angsty-type relationships of the pretty-boi variety. It's shounen-ai...on a stick!
Eidolic Fringe
- She didn't know he existed... Now she does, ever since the day he shoved her out of the way of a speeding truck. But now he's in a coma, and as far as he knows, stuck in another world entirely...
Errant Story
- "Alright mages, senior project time!" "I'm going to become an insane all powerful demigod and enslave all of reality!" "...There's always one in every class." Meet the main character...
FOGClub Adventure
- Currently showing NeoRanger Beta... Go go Power Rangers! ^_^
Frightmoore University
- Did you ever wonder what it was like growing up in the world of monsters? Sounds kinda scary huh? Hmmmm......Apparently not too different from humans.
Narae no DDR
- DDR, Gaming and l337 sp34|< out the wazoo. Be Prepared. ^_^
Nymphs of the West
- The greek gods are interfering with mortals, but are they really mortals?
- Tactical 3am wackyness... inside a video game.
Rules of Make-Believe
- She's just trying to raise her brother in her parents place, working a tough night job and going to school... And now strange events seem to be following her everywhere...
- An elven general turned abassador... This is not where he wanted to be...
Van Von Hunter
- Hunter of evil... stuff.